
I started reading Magic Tree House series in March. It is the first time that I am reading books that are appropriate. It makes me feel both sad and wonderful. Jack is at my age. I can see myself in him. I am very proud of myself for being courageous. I am confident that I will achieve something great!


Suzanne said…
I am confident you will achieve great things too! In fact, I’m gonna go ahead and say you already are! When you share your thoughts here, it shows everyone that you are brave and it also shows how intelligent you are. Your thoughts here, they make the people who read them think about things. And that is amazing! You are amazing!
Christin said…
Thinking about you today Yi! Making genuine friend is difficult at 5 as it is as an adult. Keep being your true self and let others see your light shine. All the best, mom to Jacob (age 8) who is non verbal but is such a sweet boy.
Archana said…
I love your blog! It is very brave to write out your thoughts and feelings. My son had loved Magic Tree House too when he was your age. What other books do you enjoy?
Unknown said…
What a cool idea to write a blog about your experiences. I wish I had thought of that when I was younger. I have a little girl who is similar to you. I can’t wait for her to be able to read books and go on adventures. Interesting fact about the author: Mary went to a great public university called UNC. It’s the oldest public university in the United States. I grew up in Chapel Hill North Carolina where UNC is located. My wife went to school there as well. I did not realize that a famous successful writer like Mary was an alumni at UNC. Which book are you reading in the series?

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