New School: Hope

I am at ***. It is an inclusion private school. I have been here for a week. I like it so far. It is the best school I have been to so far. It helps me make friends. It helps me to learn. It helps me to build confidence. I feel that I belong here. I am confident that I can go to college. I am hopeful that I can achieve a meaningful life. 


Unknown said…
New schools are always so exciting! I hope you have an incredible week! Everyday is a new day to learn and play. I hope you have tons of fun at your new school. My daughter is also non speaking, she uses an AAC and tells me she is happy in her school. I hope she is one day able to type with RPM like you. I show her your page and we look forward to a future where she can communicate more. You are an inspiration to us. I hope you know your blog is making a big difference in other kids lives that are just like you. Thank you for being a hero!

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