Make a difference

I was really really upset when grandma said that I could talk, I just didn’t want to. I was so mad. I want to scream! 
I would trade anything to be able to talk. It is my biggest desire. I really want to talk. I want to cry. I want to play a visit to grandma. I want to show her that I have made so much progress. 

I want the whole world to know that I am smart. I want to show them what I am capable of. I especially what to show people in public school that I am smart. I am so mad that people still don’t believe in me. They are either stupid or very evil. I really want to scream at them. I am so mad.

I want to change the world.

I want a world where everyone is treated with respect, including people with autism. 

I really want to make a difference.

I know I can. 

I know I will. 

I know I am capable.

I know I am strong.

I want to go to college and get a degree.

I want to make a difference in the world.

I will!! 


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