
Showing posts from October, 2024

Back to school

I am so so happy today because it is the first time the students got to know me a little bit. It is so incredible to see that many kids actually care about me. They were very nice and they actually took the effort to include my feelings into their ideas. I was so touched and was speechless. It makes me feel like I finally belong.  I love you mom for all the hard work. I am feeling beautiful and powerful and it is fantastic to be alive. I will be ok from now on. 

How did you manage to watch Hamilton?

[Mom asked: How did you manage to watch Hamilton for one hour in London at the theatre, which was not a show for people with special needs?] I prepared myself by putting the headphone over my ears when I was watching Hamilton in London. Inability to regulate myself is very frustrating to me. It drives me mad. I am capable of controlling myself. I want to improve my ability to self regulate.  I also remind myself to breath and to stay calm. I did this before, during and after the show. I also closed my eyes from time to time to give myself visual breaks. It helped me to relax.  I think it’s critical to have you sit next to me to help me stay calm. I couldn’t do this without your presence.